Photo Gallery
The People Who Made Peace Child Great
1. Peace Child Royalty – the people who made Peace Child great around the world
2. Peace Child Royalty Video – a compilation of other figures who made the musical
3. A Pot-pourri of memories of different Peace Child shows and personalities
4. Hugs and Happy People – showing how Peace Child tugs at the heart strings

Peace Child Royalty
Maybe because Peace Child started in Britain, we always chose to refer to those who gave the greatest support to Peace Child in terms of time, ideas, talent and funding as Peace Child Royalty. Some you will know, many you will not: suffice it to say that Peace Child would not have happened without them.
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Peace Child Royalty Video

A video compilation of the many other Peace Child Royal Family Members as listed below.
1. Stas Namin Band Members + Members of the ’86 Tour cast;
2. Birce Boga – Editor, Rescue Mission, from Turkïye
3. Carlo Grossman – Director / Co-Creator, City At Peace
4. Chic Streetman – composer, Peace in the Heart
5. Cora Weiss – Peace Child’s longest serving Distinguished Advisor
6. Our Island / Your Island – Greek & Turkish Cypriot editorial team
7. Daniella Zunec – Rescue Mission Editor from Croatia;
8. Dharaj Maxfield – Director, Theatre of All Possibilities, Santa Cruz, California
9. Pete Seeger with David Woollcombe, in Central Park, New York City
10. Rosey Simonds and David Woollcombe – Co-Founders, Peace Child Intl.
11. Lucia Effros, Administrator, Peace Child Intl. USA
12. Natasha Woollcombe
13. Gwen Ross & Alexander Woollcombe
14. Helen Strickland, Coordinator, Peace Child Washington State, with David Woollcombe
15. Geri Champlin – Peace Child Administrator, Fairfax Virginia
16. John Denver at the Peace Child Space Bridge
17. Linda Sorenson with Yuri Gorkov, from the Stas Namin Band
18. Michael Lindemann, Tour Director, 1986 Peace Child Tour
19. Lisa Katz, first student producer of a Peace Child musical
20. Marco Clarke – the Boy in the Kennedy Center, US Premiere & New York Riverside shows;
21. Greer Boyle
22. Gwen Ross – DC-based singer of I have a vision
23. Natasha Woollcombe
24. Yevgeny Yevtushenko with Natalia Sats, Children’s musical theatre, Moscow
25. Norma Johnson, Peace Child Tour Director & Orientation expert
26. Rick Staropoli, the intern who went on to produce the landmark Kids on Strike show
27. Rosey Simonds (4 x photos)
28. Sasha – the Russian tour organiser
29. Alexander Malinin – Russian soloist who went on to be a big star in USSR
30. Slava Galinin – young ’86 tour cast member
31. Stas Namin with Kenny Loggins
32. Steve Riffkin with Moosey Friend and a wave
33. Alex Vaubel - Member of the ’85 & ’86 Tour cast;
34. Xenia Kuleshova - Member of the ’85 & ’86 Tour cast;
35. Sandi Croan – Chaperon of the ’85 Tour cast;
Shows and People
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and the City at Peace team

Hugs and Happy People

A video showing the joy and passion that Peace Child arouses in its participants – young and old; that undiluted joy that shines from these faces is a testament to the life-changing impact it had on some young people.
[Unlike the Royalty video, we don’t have names for these people – but they are Peace Child heroes and heroines one and all. Also, we know it was not always like that: there were, inevitably, disappointments, Peace Children who became Peace Monsters and political/technical / logistical snafus that made life miserable for some Peace Children and their families. We’re very sorry for that but hey! We try to accentuate the positives!]

Melissa Anderson with Alexander
Melissa was the star of our San Francisco Democratic Convention Show, our 1st Peace Child visitor to Moscow (on her own bat!) – the star of our Central American Show in DC and of the 1986 US-Soviet tour. There are no real stars of Peace Child because the lives and talents of all children are important – but Melissa’s contribution lives in the minds of all who were lucky enough to see her, or perform with her.

Joy with the Russians
Cast members at the end of a Peace Child show + Steve Riffkin with Stas Namin after singing “Back in the USSR” with Stas’s Soviet rock band… – happy, happy times in the 1980s with our US & Soviet Peace Child friends. Back then, we all felt that Peace would last for-ever. Yet now, peace is more distant than it was then. Our distinguished US trustee, Abbot Washburn, told us to never to shift our focus from US-Russian relations – but we did. We strayed into other areas because our young people wanted us to move on and the Hot war between people and the environment seemed more of a threat once the US-Soviet Cold war was over. But as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett famously agreed, the key to their success lay in that one word: “FOCUS.” So – now we hope that it is not too late to shift that focus back to Superpower relations as we are in the UN Centenary Peace Child.
The Peace Child Royalty Video also shows the less serious...

Never taking ourselves too seriously...