Dominic Mafham
I played the Peace Child in the first production at the Royal Albert Hall
I’ve been an actor since leaving the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School in 1989
I can’t overstate how significant doing Peace Child was for me. The performance itself was a emotional crescendo of music and theatre, and thousands of people joining us in a carnival of optimism. I was already, even at such a young age, aware of the horror of nuclear weapons and the insanity of the concept of ‘mutually assured destruction’. Peace Child happened at a time when my political awareness was being born. I auditioned and found myself in this wonderful show. The overwhelming sense was that we were all given a voice. All listened to. Everyone heard. Everyone was so passionate and committed to what Peace Child was about. We all got on so well, had such incredible fun. It really went by in a blur. A frenzy of work and rehearsal and rounds of media interviews… then that night, at the Albert Hall. And what a night. I can’t believe it’s 40 years ago! I’m immensely proud to have been a part of the story. Thank you to Peace Child, David and Rosey. Here’s to the next 40 years!

The cast of the original Peace Child Musical show at the Royal Albert Hall, 1981
*Storyteller Susannah York is in the centre, Jessica Miller is to the right and back one, Dominic Mafham is behind her