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"Experience the Electrifying Energy of the Peace Child Show Through These Videos!"
ONE: Animated Videos
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1. Grab the Wheel - Children saving the planet form going over a cliff!

2. Earth Situation Room - The state of the Planet in 2022 & 2100: where we need to be.

3. GEEBIZ - Peace Child’s Green Entrepreneurship promotion video

4. The Wombat - not a Peace Child video, but a great one to inspire peacemakers.

TWO: Broadcast Videos
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5. BBC "Clean Slate” – on the Taunton Peace Child  Production

6. James Garner’s “Take me to Your Leaders” – on Katie Christie’s Miami City at Peace production
THREE: Historic Videos
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7. The "1st Peace Child Promotional Video" featuring Teens on Stage, Baltimore

8. The 2nd Peace Child Promotional Video – featuring the ’86 US-Soviet Tour

9. The 3rd Peace Child Promotional Video – featuring PC Central America, narrated by Rachel Riddles

10. The 2nd World Youth Congress, Stirling, Scotland – introduced by Holly Hamilton and filmed by Peace Child alumnae, Jen ??

11. Just Another Day – a young professional gets help with living a Sustainable Lifestyle; created by students of Freman College, Buntingford with Cristi Gerlach, under the direction of Jen ??

12. Introduction to Be the Change Youth-led Development Programmes in Sierra Leone, West Africa – narrated by Tom Burke; (2009)

13.  Introduction to the West African Be the Change Academy (2014)

14.  Introduction by Jagan Devaraj to Peace Child India projects in Bangalore

15.  United Nations 3-way space bridge – Peace Day 1989; from New York, Moscow and San José, Costa Rica; with the participation of Gro Harlem Brundtland, Chic Streetman, Pavel Sydor, Ella Vituk & 500 Peace Children

16.  40 Years of Empowering Young People: Peace Child’s 40th Anniversary Video, narrated by Tom Powell
FOUR: Full Performances
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17. The 1986 US-Soviet Show – recorded at the Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles

18. Peace Child – Alpha Omega – recorded at Ely Cathedral, UK, Jan. 2010
FIVE: Performance Extracts
This is a random collection of short extracts from Peace Child shows collected over the last 40+ years. Watching some of these will, we hope,  give you a sense of the electrical energy generated by the show.
For other videos of songs, go to the Songs Pages; and for those relating to the World Youth Congresses, see the World Youth Congress page in the History Section.
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19. Peace Day - the Indonesian Version – UN 75th Anniversary Festival

20. We want this World to survive for Ever – Polish English version – UN 75th Anniversary Festival

21. Peter Straker sings Child for a Day – Royal Albert Hall, 1981

22. Child for a Day - English Arabic Version - UN 75th Anniversary Festival

23. Raphael teaches the Taunton Cast his Kenyan Song

24. Marco Clarke sings a snatch of I want to live.

25. David Essex sings World - with powerful backdrops

26. World from a Church in Luton - with a happy ending

27. Central America Extract - I want to live & Mr President- Spanish English

28. I Believe - UN Office in Geneva Performance

29. I Who Am I? - Lili Karakal, Peace Child - Alpha Omega, Ely Cathedral

30. Love will teach you this - English / Portugese Version
- UN 75th Anniversary Festival -

31. Father in the Sky - Lili Kakaral, Peace Child - Alpha Omega, Ely Cathedral

32. World - Rege Jean Page, Peace Child - Alpa Omega, Ely Cathedral

33. I Believe - Rege Jean Page, Peace Child - Alpha Omega, Ely Cathedral

34. The Laws - Ely Chorister, Peace Child - Alpha Omega, Ely Cathedral

35. Child for a Day - Lyudmila Senchina, Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles Show

36. Eta Musica - Lyudmila Senchina, Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles Show

37. Peace Day Opening - Gwen Ross, Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles Show.

38. Military Industrial Complex  – Gwen Ross, Wiltern, Los Angeles Show
39. SING  – Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles Show
40. Fireball   –  Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles Show
41. I Gotta Story   –  Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles Show
42. We wish you to be Happy  –  Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles Show
43. I want to Live II   –  Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles Show
44. Listen to me   –  Melissa Anderson, Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles Show
45. Mr President   –  Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles Show
46. Reach Out   –  Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles Show

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