Danijela Zunec Brandt
Together with Esperanto Centre in Zagreb I organised Peace Child Yugoslavia play (that soon turned that year into Peace Child ex-Yugoslavia…) touring in Croatia and in Czech Republic at the Festival of the Future in Prague. Once you taste life of being a Peace Child, you can never stop being one. It is luckily not possible. So, then I continued playing in Peace Child Bulgaria tour, then joined an amazing adventure of Rescue Mission: Planet Earth as one of the youth editors. This brought on amazing new adventures of meeting Bono Vox and getting free tickets for the whole youth editorial team to Wembley Zooropa Tour! When my best Rescue Mission friend Mia from Finland and myself went to get the tickets we bumped into Bono and I greeted him “Hello and thank you Mr. Bono” – he cracked laughing and said no one ever called him that so he signed our London map “To Peace Child from Mr. Bono” hahahaha From Rescue Mission international success, we moved on to editing A World In Our Hands, another beauty of a book… All of that took me to the streets of New York and hallways of the United Nations where I represented Peace Child and other youth organisations as the Youth Delegate for Agenda 21. There, we dreamed of making the Youth Floor on the 17th floor of the UN building which was not in use anyway. That dream still awaits its translation to reality…
1990 – 1996 – but actually – I think forever
Diplomat of Croatia, currently posted to the EU in Brussels.
I believe we are all Peace Children inside of us, but then sometimes we feel that is not tough enough, not real enough not cool enough. The longer I live, the more I understand that keeping my Peace Child eyes and heart open to the world is the only way to live truthfully. Now I have two kids of my own who are 15 and 10 and seeing world through their eyes where they think a lot about climate, about water and food choices and availability, about migrants and social injustice – as a Peace Mother now, I want to make them feel empowered and loved forever to do what they want and have to do.